In the last episode of season 2, Youn’s Kitchen’s casts and production revisited their adventure in Garachico. Some time in…
Youn’s Kitchen’s last day has arrived. Another adventure comes to an end. More people they have come to know visit as Youn’s Kitchen’s second restaurant in Garachico opens for the last time.
Youn’s Kitchen’s the last day of business is finally here. Thanks to a feature article (Un “reality” coreano en Garachico) on the oldest newspaper in Tenerife, Youn’s Kitchen becomes the hottest spot in town.
Youn’s Kitchen opens for dinner tonight while a town festival is going on at the town square. How will their night fare?
Youn’s Kitchen opens on Saturday night when a town festival is also held at Garachico’s town square. Will there be customers?
Youn’s Kitchen plans to open for dinner tomorrow, which leaves the morning a perfect time to go out and enjoy the country. Finally!
The party have tried all the food Youn’s Kitchen has to offer. But it’s not over yet for it’s universally…
Youn’s Kitchen’s big day proves interesting. For one thing, having real chefs as customers adds pressure to the casts. And yet they lend fresh eyes to look at the food from different perspectives.
Youn’s Kitchen has new mountain to climb as a big day is coming. This is a matter of pride so they must do it right.
Youn’s Kitchen introduces better system today and scores new record sales on its fifth day.